Computer Lesson

                Has anyone ever seen inside a computer? If you have you probably know that it can be a bit confusing with all the wires and pieces like the motherboard and the power supply unit (I know, like I said before it can be confusing). So when  me and my family were poking around an old computer I decided I wanted to learn more about the different components. Lots of people use computers at the moment but the majority of people don’t know how it actually works. This is a lesson on some things you’ll find in your computer.

          First of all there is the motherboard, the motherboard is the part that looks kind of like a city. The motherboard is sometimes described as the skeleton, which means it holds everything together so that everything can communicate. Secondly there is the CPU (central processing unit), the CPU is referred to as the  brains of the computer. What a CPU does is it processes information. Next there is the power supply unit, it is in charge of all the electricity in the computer kind of like the human body accept with electricity not food. Fourth is the RAM (random access memory). The RAM is the accessible memory, like when you can recall a memory of the top of your head. I think most people reading this will have heard of a hard drive. If you don’t know a hard drive is what everything is stored on, for example if you are writing something on google drive it saves on the hard drive. Lastly there is the GPU (graphic cards), the GPU is what makes every the on the computer look so nice. If there was no GPU on a computer things would look pretty different.

I hope you have enjoyed my lesson on computers.

Thank You.
